
Sinobase RA

Famille générique : Additive -- Compatibilizer / Adhesion PromoterDocuments mis à disposition par : Sinobase Polymers Chemical Limited
Adhesive RA leads to the adhesion action via reacting with methylene receptor such as adhesive R-20, adhesive RE. This reaction will quickly start at the vulcanization temperature. If the reaction occurs before vulcanization, the adhesion action of the matching system will disappear.

During mixing the first step is to add rubber, filler and methylene receptor and mix at the high temperature. At the final stage of the mixing, adhesive A and other ingredients like sulfur, rubber accelerators are added simultaneously.
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Afrique & Moyen-Orient, Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine, Asie Pacifique, Europe
Autres propriétés
Additives Category, Formes, State at Room Temperature
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Traitement en cours

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