

Famille générique : Additive -- Antioxidant / Heat StabilizerDocuments mis à disposition par : Go Yen Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd
Product feature:

1. With prominent smooth and soft feeling

2. With great chemical stability

3. Possess excellent electrical insulation, anti-heating& low temperature abilities

4. With high flash point and low freezing point

5. Can be applied on versatile products and with excellent physical and chemical properties


1. Convenience goods: like shampoo, liquid soap, face cream, body lotion and even sanitary products like condom.

2. Rubber mold releasing agent, partition, brightening agent

3. Plastic mold releasing agent, partition, brightening agent

4. Emulsion mold releasing agent, partition, brightening agent

5. Polyurethane mold releasing agent, partition, brightening agent

6. Lubricant for mechanical, mobile, and electrical components

7. Softener for textile and outfit industries

8. Leather industry

9. Lubricant, anti-foam agent for medicine, food, chemical, coating, building industries.
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Afrique & Moyen-Orient, Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine, Asie Pacifique, Europe
Autres propriétés
Additives Category, Densité
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Traitement en cours

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Où acheter

Vous pouvez acheter GYC GY-SO-100 auprès de 1 distributeurs ou fabricants. S’inscrire ou Connexion pour en savoir plus.

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